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[API function]


Plays a CD Audio track.

signed char F_API FSOUND_CD_Play(
char drive,
int track


drive the drive ID to use. 0 is the default CD drive. Using D or E in single quotes would be D: or E: for example.
track the CD track number to play. The first track starts at 1.

Return Value

On success, TRUE is returned.
On failure, FALSE is returned.


See FSOUND_CD_SetPlayMode for information on how to control playback of a CD track.
FSOUND's CD Playback system, is a non intrusive, non polling system. This may not mean
much to a lot of people, but a polling player (take the windows default CD player) will
consistantly poll the CD device to update its status, which causes other applications
to jerk, or pause consistantly. This would be inexcusable in a game, to have the game
halt or jerk every second to few seconds or so. FSOUND uses timing and prediction to
loop tracks and update the status of the CD, and never touches the CD device during
playback, for TRUE 0Ppu usage.
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, Linux, Macintosh (OSX Codewarrior only)

See Also

FSOUND_CD_GetVolume , FSOUND_CD_SetPlayMode , FSOUND_CD_SetVolume , FSOUND_CD_Stop

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Generated Fri Dec 20 16:31:08 2002 by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.